
5 Things We’ve Learned from Our Clients About Printing Challenges

At ImageOn Print, we’ve been around a long time, and we have experienced the many changes happening across the print industry over the years. We have also taken the time to get to know our clients – listening to their needs, wants and struggles. As a result, we have a deep understanding of the challenges that business owners and managers face in today's fast-paced, competitive environment. Even with the growth of digital tools in the workplace, many businesses still need to maintain efficient and reliable printing operations, so things run smoothly. Whether it’s for marketing and advertising, labels, packaging, presentations, stationery, legal documentation and so on, it’s not always easy to keep up. We have listed several hurdles faced by small, medium and yes, even large businesses when trying to meet their printing needs. Here are the top five: Cost Management: Naturally, one of the most significant challenges businesses face is managing the costs associated with printing. Printing expenses can quickly add up, including costs for paper, ink, maintenance, shipping, and repairs. Moreover, high-volume printing requires substantial investment in advanced printing equipment. Many businesses struggle to balance the need for high-quality prints with budget constraints. Implementing cost-effective printing solutions, such as managed print services (MPS) or adopting digital alternatives where possible, can help mitigate these financial pressures. Maintenance and Downtime: There likely isn’t a business on the planet that doesn’t run into printing problems from time to time. Printer maintenance and downtime are recurring issues that can cause significant interruptions. [...]

Sustainable Printing: Paving the Way for a Greener Tomorrow

Sustainability in the Printing Industry Is Our Commitment! It’s always important to reflect on our industry’s environmental impact and explore ways to mitigate it, and Earth Day is a great time to explore this critical issue.

Boost your Business with RFID Blocking Cards.

As the world becomes more digitally connected, staying safe from hackers and identity theft is naturally becoming a growing concern. One of the most effective and affordable ways for people to protect themselves is to carry RFID blocking cards. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) blocking cards are designed to shield your credit and debit cards, passports, and other important documents from being scanned by nearby hackers. With this is mind, we will soon be seeing a lot more RFID cards being tucked into wallets, so why not maximize their purpose by adding your business contact information? A standard business card can now be transformed into a valuable security tool that people will always keep with them. Talk about clever branding that doubles as a handy, thoughtful gift.  Let’s explore this concept a bit further. How RFID blocking cards work: RFID blocking cards work by creating a barrier between the card and the reader. When enabled, the card emits a low-frequency signal that blocks any attempts by hackers to access the card’s data. The card also prevents any other RFID enabled device from being able to detect the radio waves emitted by the card. This ensures that your card and personal information is safe and secure. Blocking card benefits for your business: Beyond the excellent security features, RFID blocking cards are lightweight, making them easy to carry around. So instead of a blank RFID card, why not get a whole bunch of them designed and printed to showcase your business information and […]

10 Ways to Use QR Codes to Boost Your Business

Using QR codes is a powerful way for businesses to stay connected while distanced; keeping your audience informed and engaged. QR codes made one heck of a comeback during the pandemic, as savvy businesses and restaurant owners latched on to the touch-free appeal. Similar to a bar code, these 2D ‘quick response’ codes can be captured with any smartphone, and voilà, your information appears in a flash! Back 10 and 20 years ago, QR codes could not gain momentum due to the lack of Wi-Fi/Internet access and non-existent mobile friendly websites, not to mention the slow, lumbering app that had to be installed before attempting to scan. Now that those problems have essentially been solved, the possibilities for this clever tech tool are endless. QR codes are fast becoming a vital marketing tool for organizations; providing quick access to information and resources straight into people’s hands – or should we say … phones. We have outlined 10 ways that this versatile, low-cost marketing technology can boost your business:   1. Touchless Menus Direct guests to your contactless menus and reduce paper menus. Use QR codes on coasters, table talkers, business cards and signs throughout your restaurant and around town. QR codes can be read off of any flat surface – digital and otherwise. Get creative!   2. Increase Website Traffic Increase your SEO and drive people directly to your website (including specialized landing pages). Integrate your QR code on signs, packaging, business cards, flyers, brochures, billboards, email signatures and more [...]

On The Hunt: Finding the Best Print Provider for Your Business

  One thing Covid has taught us in the business world is that we can pivot quickly and open our minds to possibilities and opportunities we didn’t know could work. We also learned that following a “This is the way we have always done things” mentality can hold us back from finding new successes. As you manoeuvre your business through these demanding times, take the time to assess your various contractors and suppliers to ensure you are getting all you can to get improved results. This includes the print companies you work with; are they meeting your needs? As marketing and operational partners, your print and copy supplier is an essential part of your business, so let’s make sure you choose the right one. Here are 5 top considerations for selecting a printing company to help boost your business while getting the most bang for your hard-earned buck.   1. Cost comparison Keeping costs down is naturally a priority, but there is no need to sacrifice quality or miss deadlines as a result. When hunting for printing companies, inquire about shipping and delivery pricing, as well as other potential add-ons such as graphic design costs, setup fees, etc. The devil is in the details, so they say.   2. Customer experience Business owners know that happy customers mean more profits, growth, and those coveted 5-star reviews. If you don’t feel like your current print provider is prioritizing your customer experience, then it is a good indication you should be looking […]

Top 5 Reasons To Use Promotional Products Now

Organizations large and small know how effective branded promotional items can be. It’s a tried and true method to get your business, non-profit or community organization’s brand out in front, and it’s more cost effective than you may think. Every marketing plan should include room for customized items to share with existing clients as well as potential customers. We’ve outlined the top 5 reasons why promo products are critical to boost your bottom line and effectively engage with consumers. Big reach, low price Billboards, bus stops, TV and magazine ads are classic advertising methods, but the downside is that it’s hard to know if you are reaching your audience. The net is cast so wide that’s it is a challenge to find out if people are tuning in or not. However, with promotional or giveaway items, you get to carefully select your target audience for maximum effectiveness. Even with a small budget, you can choose branded marketing products that give a solid return on investment. A good quality pen, a handy tote bag, or a trendy pair of sunglasses or socks are just a few examples of items that have lasting impact, targeted reach, and come with a small price tag. There are tens of thousands of amazing items to choose from that will best showcase your brand – in all varying price ranges. Brand recognition All businesses want to stand out from their competitors and have their brand/logo recognized easily. Staying top of mind is essential, so why not […]

How To Combine Print and Digital Marketing For Real Results

When it comes to marketing and promoting your company or organization, there’s no doubt that digital is essential. Recent stats show that time spent online continues to increase on a yearly basis, with the average Canadian spending approximately 157.6 minutes a day on the Internet in 2018. Although the fact that we are spending more and more time online is undeniable, it’s a little shortsighted to think that your marketing and advertising efforts should only live online. In fact, research shows that print may be a more engaging medium when it comes to telling your brand story. How can you leverage the power of print and digital together? Here are a few ideas: Use QR Codes QR codes allow your print marketing material to adopt a dynamic, digital aspect that will create a seamless transition between your print and digital marketing efforts. To be successful, ensure that your target audience is inspired to follow through and use the QR code to access online material. Have fun, be creative and then aim to covert once someone lands on your online property. Include Social Media Links Although print ads are on paper, there is the possibility to use print to drive traffic to your online properties, specifically your social media networks. Add links or mentions for target demographics to like or follow you on Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat. This works to extend the longevity of your print ad by keeping your audience constantly engaged with and exposed to your content on a […]

What To Look For In A Print Company

You’ve got a killer concept and the talent needed to design a winning direct mail campaign. There’s only one thing standing in the way of you and your successful print marketing campaign – choosing a print company that can really execute. While price is an important factor when it comes to selecting the right company for the job, there are several other factors that play an important role in ensuring your printer can truly meet (and even exceed) your expectations. Here are the four things you should look for when choosing a print company to partner with: Price While your budget should not be the only factor you consider, it’s definitely important. Be aware, however, that a company that offers an exceptionally low price may not be able to deliver a quality product that meets your deadline and expectations. Instead of just basing your decision on price, look for a printer who has a budget that aligns with industry standards and who may be open to providing bulk discounts. Quality Quality also matters of course. Before selecting a printer, it’s a good idea to preview work samples, if possible. You should also ask about former and current clients. Finally, a quick search on google or the company website can unearth customer testimonials that will speak to the overall quality that your print company will provide. Relationship Although price and quality are really important, the ability to develop a good relationship with your printer is also key. You and your printer […]

Three Reasons Why Direct Mail Still Works

Digital marketing, digital transformation – in a world where we are increasing inundated with all things digital, it may be tempting to assume that sending potential customers promotional materials in the mail is no longer a good idea. Despite the ‘everything digital’ mindset, there is still real value in incorporating direct mail in your overall marketing strategy. In fact, direct mail may even prove more successful than your online efforts. Here are three reasons why direct mail is here to stay: Attention-grabbing and personalized When done well, direct mail pieces can be a very effective way to grab the attention of prospective or current customers. This type of advertising can also be more memorable than digital format ads that have to compete for the attention of the customer in the often crowded online environment.Like any good marketing campaign, the key to making your ad stand out is to get creative and think outside the box. In addition to professional, eye-catching design and clever copy, using something like a non-standard size or format for your direct mail piece can really help to ensure that your ad is the one that stands out from the crowd. Higher ROI than other marketing tactics You may be surprised to learn that direct mail actually has a higher ROI than other marketing formats, including things like Google ads. Email and social media were the only marketing strategies shown to have a higher ROI, with direct mail averaging an ROI of 29% and social media averaging […]

Adair Morse LLP

Imageon is a vendor of Adair Morse and we are extremely pleased with the services they provide to our firm. I would be pleased to recommend their company Adair Morse LLP Sandra Hatcher Maher

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